Claim your rewards

How to claim your Pondo rewards?

To get your delegated credits back, along with associated reward, you must burn the pALEO tokens you own.

There are two possibilities for doing so:

  • Instant Withdraw - Getting your credits back instantly, in one transaction, but paying a 0.25% fee.

  • Two steps Withdraw - Burn your pAleo tokens in a first transaction, then wait a minimum of ~2.5 Days before you can claim associated credits back.

Instant Withdraw

To get your credits back instantly, select the instant category:

Two steps Withdraw

First you must initiate a "Slow Withdrawal":

You must then wait 43,200 blocks (or 2.5 days, assuming 5 sec per block), before you can claim credits associated with the withdrawal.

After the wait period, you can claim credits due to you by navigating to the "Claim" section:

Last updated