pALEO Token

What is the purpose of pALEO ?

ALEO Credits

ALEO credits are ALEO blockchain native tokens, the rewards from the protocol comes from staking this token under the hood.

Learn more about ALEO Credits.

pALEO Token

pALEO represent one's current share in the Pondo staked pool. If there's 1000 ALEO in the pool, 100 pALEO minted and you own one of them, then you are owed 1% of the ALEO pool, ie: 10 ALEO, whenever you want to withdraw.

Those ALEO in the pool are calculated as the ALEO owned by the core protocol program minus those that are already claimed by some involved parties.


Whenever you stake ALEO credits by pooling them in the core protocol, pALEO tokens are minted according to the new share of the pool you represent. On the contrary when some ALEO are withdrawn pALEO tokens are burned accordingly.

As ALEO reward distribution progresses, pALEO token value increases proportionally to ALEO staking related inflation rate. This means that pALEO held passively during any period of time are equivalent to ALEO actively bonded to a validator.

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